Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Smokin' Aces

In these interlocking tales of high stakes and low lifes, Mob boss Primo Sparazza has taken out a hefty contract on Buddy "Aces" Israel (Piven)--a sleazy magician who has agreed to turn state's evidence against the Vegas mob. The FBI, sensing a chance to use this small-time con to bring down big-target Sparazza, places Aces into protective custody-under the supervision of two agents (Reynolds and Liotta) dispatched to Aces' Lake Tahoe hideout. When word of the price on Aces' head spreads into the community of ex-cons and cons-to-be, it entices bounty hunters, thugs-for-hire, smokin' hot vixens and double-crossing mobsters to join in the hunt.

I felt that this movie could have used a little more shooting and less love story. HAHAHAHA I'm just kidding this movie was an action megafest from start to finish. The entire story was interesting. The only thing that i couldn't understand is that if all the hitmen and hitwomen were the top people than how did they not know one another even just a little bit. To me that was hard to believe. The way the movie was put together though made up for the small discrepancies that you might be able to pick out. I liked it as a whole so i give this movie an 8.5 out of 10. If you are into action than this movie is for you.

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