The movie the 300 is based off a historical battle between the spartans of Greece (isle of sparta) ,who are led by king Leonitas, and the army of the great Xerxes from Persia. Xerxes tries to pay off the spartans so that they will not put up a fight, but Leonidas won't be bought off. The Spartans will stand and fight to prove to the world that Sparta can't be bought at any price.
This movie was great from start to finish. The movie had an intensity that i have not seen in any movie ever. It's hard for me of all people to say but this intensity made the movie a thousand times better than if it were just the battle scenes and back story alone. If you like a movie with action and emotion then the 300 can't miss.
This movie rates a 10 out of 10
P.S. I am just starting out on these movie critiques so any and all questions and comments are welcome. The Big Critic