Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Shaun of the Dead

Shaun is having many problems in life. His long-time girlfriend has dumped him due to their almost-daily expedition to Shaun's favorite pub, the Winchester. His temporary management job isn't going well at Foree Electronics, with his subordinates not even giving him the time of day. His deadbeat flatmates, Pete and Ed, are at each others' throats. And, oh yeah, London is overrun with multitudes of zombies. In the midst of this, he must save himself, Ed, his ex, his mom, and his precious record collection. There is a time when a hero must rise...from his couch.

This film was everything i could have hoped for in a zombie movie spoof. I got a kick out of the hilarious antics they went through as they smashed in zombie skulls and talked about everything that wasn't important to the situation along the way. The only part that bugged me was that it had a slow start, but lucky for us after that it was great to the end. I rate this movie an 8 out of 10.
If you like scary movies and want to laugh while you watch one here is the movie for you.

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