Friday, May 25, 2007


Max is a genius mathematician who's built a supercomputer at home that provides something that can be understood as a key for understanding all existence. Representatives both from a Hasidic cabalistic sect and high-powered Wall Street firm hear of that secret and attempt to seduce him.
They use money, power and brutallity to try and convince him that they should have the secret before anyone else.

To be brutally honest this movie is basically about the different religions believing that the number of Pi(3.14 etc.) is the key to discovering the meaning of the torah, bible, koran, and even the teachings of any other religion on earth. This movie is entirely in black and white but with camera angles and quick shots it really messes with your mind. I advise any partakers in alcohol or any drugs to not watch this while high. IT WILL BREAK YOUR BRAIN. This movie kept me thinking about life and the extremes into which we go to understand ourselves and the world around us. I gave this movie an 8 out of 10. Go and see it and be weirded out for yourself.

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