Monday, June 11, 2007

The Rock

It's a quiet day in San Francisco. There are 81 civilians on a tour of Alcatraz, the prison famous for the fact that no prisoner had ever successfully escaped. During one of the tours, General Francis X. Hummel takes the civilians hostage, with the help of other marines. He has 15 rockets of deadly V.X. gas at his disposal, ready to launch at San Francisco. His reason for doing this is simple: he has seen soldiers under his command get killed in combat without a military burial or benefits to their families. He makes a threat to the FBI: give the fallen soldiers recognition or he will launch the V.X. rockets. After learning that one rocket is enough to take out sixty or seventy thousand people, the FBI sends for their top Chemical Weapons expert: Dr. Stanley Goodspeed( Nicholas Cage) , engaged to his pregnant girlfriend. While trying to figure out a countermeasure to the current situation, the FBI is forced to resort to John Mason( Sean Connery), an ex-con who broke out of Alcatraz in 1963.

The Rock is a fun story about death and destruction at the hands of war heroes turn terrorist's. I have seen this film quite a few times and i like it but there is one flaw in this movie: Nicholas Cage's acting was subpar in comparison to Sean Connery's and Ed Harris's. There were only a few parts in which i believed any of the crap that came out of Cage's mouth. I gave this movie a 7 out of 10 and thats because sean Connery can act. Thank you Mr. Connery

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